Talentia Software, azienda leader nello sviluppo di soluzioni per la gestione delle performance aziendali nell’area economico-finanziaria e delle risorse umane, valorizza ulteriormente la soluzione Talentia Recruiting & Onboarding, rendendo il percorso di inserimento dei nuovi collaboratori un elemento chiave della cultura aziendale. Vengono offerte nuove funzionalità specifiche di onboarding volte a strutturare ed ottimizzare tutte le fasi previste dal percorso d’inserimento di nuove risorse, così come il percorso formativo che richiede ogni cambio organizzativo interno: successioni o mobilità verso nuovi ruoli e posizioni.
Talentia Recruiting & Onboarding è una soluzione di gestione completa che si integra perfettamente con qualunque modulo o sistema di supporto dei processi chiave HR e che gestisce le modalità di recruitment e onboarding con maggiore agilità. La ricerca dei candidati e l’intero iter di selezione vengono semplificati, dall’identificazione dei bisogni aziendali alla selezione ed inserimento dei nuovi collaboratori, tracciando ogni fase del processo e condividendo le informazioni.
Specifically, the new onboarding functions, whose design and testing phases were carried out in the Bari Innovation Center, allow HR Managers to reduce the time required for new resources entering the company to assimilate the new context, gaining, however, in terms of effectiveness. Considering the high risk of turnover reported on newly hired Millenials, in the first six months of joining the company, the onboarding process, or an internal change of role, is crucial in favoring the integration of the collaborator in the new working reality. . Indeed, in the Onboarding phase, the new hire acquires knowledge and learns practices and behaviors useful for becoming an integral part of the company, both at an organizational and corporate culture level. On the other hand, the process of accompaniment to a new role is different, where the collaborator is introduced to the organizational processes of the new position and to the knowledge of the team; always with the strategic objective of minimizing the time it takes to fully enter the role and achieve full productivity.
Talentia Onboarding therefore gives support to three subjects in the company:
• HR, through the configuration of the insertion path, the selection of newly-hired or employees involved, the initiation and execution control (monitoring summary dashboard)
• Manager, that are allowed to monitor each step, additions or modifications to timely and customized individual paths, facilitated interaction with the employee and evaluation questionnaires during its progression
• new employee / collaborator, with a dashboard dedicated throughout the period onboarding, a calendar of learning activities (E-Learning courses or in-house programmed, periods of juxtaposition, the tutors, etc.) And input to networking, through feedback on Wall staff invites to interactions with the organization and direct communication with the team is enabled through immediate feedback
“The level of affinity with the company develops in the first three months of work experience. During this period it is important to enhance the corporate identity but also to enable the person to act and express their potential in the new reality. The governance of the onboarding process is an organizational attitude that requires extensive management skills of the managers so that it is not reduced to the implementation of an approved procedure, but is instead experienced as a stable practice of integration of newcomers and their peculiarities - explains Silverio Petruzzellis, HCM Solution Manager of Talentia Software. Talentia Onboarding is a human capital management and development platform that allows our customers to better manage the relationship between the individual and the organization, pursuing a people-centric vision of the business.”
The module is integrated with the entire suite of Talentia HCM, it can be installed from version 11 or affordable stand-alone to integrate with other HR systems.
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