During the eleventh edition of Le Fonti Awards Italy, Vertiv stood out for its excellence in innovation and leadership as a provider of solutions for critical infrastructures
Vertiv (NYSE: VRT), a global provider of critical digital infrastructure solutions, wins Le Fonti Awards 2021 Italy – nella categoria IT & Tecnologia – per l’eccellenza nell’innovazione e la leadership nelle soluzioni per l’infrastruttura IT. Il premio, conferito nei giorni scorsi presso il Museo Diocesano di Milano, attesta l’eccellenza dell’azienda come fornitore di tecnologie, soluzioni e servizi innovativi e sostenibili.
Nel corso dell’ultimo anno, Vertiv ha investito in innovazione e sviluppo tecnologico oltre il 5% del fatturato. Una parte importante di questo investimento è stato fatto in Italia, dove Vertiv vanta due centri di Ricerca e Sviluppo (R&D) molto importanti a livello globale, affiancati ai Customer Experience Center per l’AC Power and for the Thermal Management.
“We are operating in an extremely dynamic and interesting market, with cloud and edge computing accelerating rapidly. This creates a positive environment with significant business opportunities,” he says Giordano Albertazzi, President of Vertiv Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). “In Vertiv continueremo a investire in R&D e innovazione per fornire ai clienti soluzioni sempre più efficienti e sostenibili. Ricevere riconoscimenti come questo de Le Fonti Awards Italy, confirms that we are on the right path.”
Vertiv customers are increasingly looking for innovative solutions to achieve their sustainability goals. A recent example is what Vertiv has done for Green Mountain, one of the most sustainable data centers in the world which, located in a former NATO structure carved into a Norwegian mountain, uses 100% renewable hydroelectric energy and is cooled with fjord water. Green Mountain has chosen high-efficiency chilled water perimeter cooling units Vertiv™ Liebert® PCW and also the systems UPS Liebert® EXL S1 that use lithium-ion batteries, ensuring a more efficient and longer-lasting alternative to VRLA battery systems.
Among the latest innovations in the constantly evolving portfolio of products, services and technologies, there is the Vertiv™ VRC-S, a fully factory-assembled micro data center designed for edge installations and small IT sites. This is a solution plug&play very efficient that can be installed at the customer site in a few days and includes a UPS that powers the IT systems, rack cooling, a power distribution unit for the IT resources and a pre-monitoring system installed to simplify connection to the electricity and IT grid.
For more information on Le Fonti Awards, visit LeFontiAwards.it.