Customer care and ad hoc after-sales services: Lelanet supports small and medium-sized enterprises, guaranteeing them a configurable offer and targeted professional services provided 'as a service', to meet every market need
HiSolution, an Italian competence center that works alongside companies to accelerate their ICT processes and optimize both economic values and performance, has announced the change of name of IGS Connect, a service provider acquired in 2019, with the aim of integrating its own telecommunications offer with targeted services for small and medium-sized enterprises. After having dedicated 2020 to the rethinking of technological services to integrate them and redesign the related commercial offers, at the beginning of this year, the renewal operation was completed with the change of company name and the birth of Lelanet, a service provider that provides connectivity, voice and VoIP numbering technological services.
La novità Lelanet risiede nel trattare le PMI alla stregua delle grandi aziende, garantendo loro un’offerta configurabile e servizi professionali erogati ‘as a service mirati’ per soddisfare al meglio le esigenze del cliente. In altre parole, Lelanet offre servizi standard, ma realizzati tailor made. Se in passato IGS Connect era concentrata sul pricing di ogni singolo servizio, oggi Lelanet propone un’offerta completa, progettando pacchetti per le PMI con relativi e specifici bundle suddivisi nelle categorie di riferimento. Ogni bundle prevede servizi targettizzati sulla tipologia del cliente e in base al numero di dipendenti dell’azienda, pensati per realtà da 10 a 150 persone. I pacchetti partono da Extra Small, Small, Medium per arrivare a Top e Top Large, con la possibilità per tutti di configurare il progetto: se un’azienda ha necessità specifiche può configurarsi il pacchetto secondo i propri bisogni.
"2021 is the year of great promotion for Lelanet for us. With the services we offer, we want to foster the connection between people and technology, or present to the market customized technological offers that are skilled on the real needs of customers "- highlights Luca Coturri, CEO of HiSolution. "Lelanet's core business starts from these principles: listening to companies, offering professional services with value and building with them an ad hoc project configured on specific needs".
“Reliability, security, adaptability, scalability and tailoring are the values that distinguish Lelanet services. But there is more, because what really enhances us on the market is our complete customer support, in all after-sales phases "- underlines Marco De Luca, Lelanet Sales Manager. We are able to provide technical support to classify, resolve and file any request quickly and professionally. In case of alert, the certified technical staff proactively takes care of anticipating any reports from the user ".
Each package offered by Lelanet includes a dedicated Help Desk and proactive monitoring service that ensures not only turnkey solutions, for a fee, designed ad hoc and tailored, but allows you to maintain maximum proactivity on the customer, guiding him at every stage. In addition, with Trouble Ticketing, the staff is able to intervene promptly and keep the customer updated on the evolution of the reported problem. Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 18.30.
A new website was developed for the announcement to the Lelanet market (, a hub which contains corporate values and technological services in the fields of connectivity, telephone, cloud telephone exchanges and business mailboxes.